Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Rudolph RE, Dixon E, Munir M, Leonberger K, Pettigrew K, Polo M, Smith HS, Lamb A, Gauthier NA. Soil solarization for management of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. Plant Disease
- Rudolph RE. Experiential high tunnel training series. 2024. Plant Health Instructor.
- Fils Pierre J, Jacobsen KL, Wszelaki A, Butler D, Velandia M, Woods T, Sideman R, Grossman J, Coolong T, Hoskins B, da Silva ALBR, Ginakes P, Kleinhenz M, Zhao X, Rivard C, Rudolph RE. 2024. Sustaining soil health in high tunnels: A paradigm shift toward soil-centered management. HortTechnology 34(5):594-603.
- Rudolph RE, Dixon E, Munir M, Leonberger K, Pettigrew K, Polo M, Smith HS, Gauthier NA. 2024. Susceptibility of zucchini cultivars to powdery mildew (Podosphaera xanthii) under high and low nitrogen regimes. Plant Health Progress
- Rudolph RE, Dixon E, Munir M, Leonberger K, Pettigrew K, Polo M, Smith HS, Bajek V, Irwin L, Gauthier NA. 2023. Potential for cultural management of lettuce drop (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) in high tunnels through modification of soil moisture, planting date, and cultivar. Plant Health Progress
- Rudolph RE, Bajek V, Munir M. 2023. Effects of soil solarization and grafting on tomato yield and Southern root-knot nematode population densities. HortScience 58(11):1443-1449.
- Bajek V, Munir M, Rudolph RE. 2023. Soil census of Kentucky high tunnels reveals statewide distribution of two Meloidogyne species. Plant Health Progress
- Faske T, Mueller J, Becker JO, Bernard E, Bradley C, Bond J, Desaeger J, Eisenback J, Grabau Z, Hu J, Kemerait R, Koehler A, Lawrence K, Mehl H, Rudolph RE, Sikora E, Thomas S, Walker N, Wheeler T, Wrather J, Ye W, Zhang L. 2023. Summarized distribution of the southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, in field crops in the United States. Plant Health Progress
- Bajek V, Rudolph RE. 2023. Managing Southern Root-knot Nematode in Kentucky High Tunnels Using Grafted Tomato. HortScience 58(6):704-713.