Vegetable Crops Extension and Research
Vegetable Crops Extension and Research

Contact Information

Rachel Rudolph, PhD
Assistant Extension Professor, Vegetable Production

N-318 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546


News & Updates

News & Updates

2025 Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook

The 2025 Southeastern U.S. Vegetable Crop Handbook is now available. This handbook provides production and cultivar recommendations as well as pest, disease, and weed management guidance. The pdf of this handbook is available above.

NEW! Grower post-harvest handling resources

In collaboration with Dani Zwischenberger of the Kentucky Horticulture Council, we’ve been working on creating post-harvest handling factsheets for growers to reference. These factsheets are one page with a lot of photos and can be displayed as posters for farm crew to reference.

Factsheets are now available on the Center for Crop Diversification’s Produce Food Safety page and linked below:

Vegetable Alert Listserv for Commercial Growers

Commercial growers can subscribe to the Veggie Alert Listserv. This email mailing list allows growers to receive the most up to date information and notifications from University of Kentucky specialists. 

Subscribe at:

Veg Crops Extension and Research is now on Instagram

We are just getting started on Instagram, but please follow us and see updates on our projects, events, and programs. @uky_veg_crops

We are looking forward to sharing with you!

Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecasting

To receive alerts on downy mildew moving into your region, visit the Cucurbit Downy Mildew Forecasting System:

This will help you better prepare for potential disease and plan your disease mananagement accordingly.

Website for Grower Meetings in the Region

Here is a link to find the dates and locations of different vegetable grower meetings in our region.

Kentucky Vegetable Crops Extension & Research YouTube channel

In order to help answer some questions that I receive on a recurring basis, we have created a YouTube channel where I will post short video tutorials and presentations on specific topics.

Here's the link:

Contact Information

Rachel Rudolph, PhD
Assistant Extension Professor, Vegetable Production

N-318 Ag Science Center North Lexington, KY 40546
